The Art & the Artist

Raven George is a conceptual artist from Trenton, NJ renowned for her drawings and paintings exploring the relationship between love, identity and emotional intimacy. The artist experiments and innovates a wide range of styles and a profound mastery in oils and ink as her chosen medium. Drawing inspiration from both the luminous landscapes of her childhood and intricacies of human experiences, the artist confronts tension within her process and transforms this energy into inspiration. George creates an immersive experience within her works for viewers to feel, embody the beauty of these elements and enter a state of nostalgia—encouraging others to reflect on their own transformative journey of self-discovery. 

George developed an early fascination with art at the age of two thankfully to her Nana. This interest grew into a lifelong passion as she honed her artistic skills and later graduated with a Bachelor in Fine Arts at Montclair State University. To Find Love & Death, the artist's most recent exhibition at the Artworks Gallery travels through phases of fragility, healing, freedom and self-love. Inner child work is a daily intention practice as the artist ventures through styles like a playground within this body of work. Each piece is a representation of the tension faced as she expresses truth and alchemizes emotions of fear and pain into something much more sublime. Because of this, George finds strength in vulnerability, release and learning through all changes and ego deaths. 

 “I cry because I’m free,” she says after speaking at her first artist talk. For years, she’s struggled to be vocally expressive, especially about her artwork—she gives thanks to Allah for using her as a vessel of unwavering strength to speak proudly through her work. George has the awareness of many not owning the luxury of utilizing art as a tool of expression. Because of this, it is imperative as a woman of color to be a reflective mirror for viewers to feel and come back home to themselves by looking inward.